Who Judges at Expo?
Expo targets practicing professionals, for example, engineers, doctors, veterinarians, school teachers, lecturers, researchers, scientists, mathematicians, IT professionals etc. Natural Scientists registered with SACNASP, IT professionals registered with IITPSA and teachers registered with SACE can earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points and other professionals can get credit through their professional bodies.
To qualify, a candidate should meet the following criteria:
- Be in possession of a qualification in any field of scientific inquiry, including natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, medical sciences, engineering and IT;
- Be a specialist or practitioner in any field of scientific inquiry;
- Be in possession of a teaching qualification in any field of scientific inquiry.
Expo would also like you to use your experience and expertise to mentor young scientists in need of guidance, especially in previously disadvantaged areas. Let us know how you can help.For any enquiries contact the ISF Judges Administrator at judges@exposcience.co.za