Ever wondered why the world is transforming rapidly? Individuals/a group of people asked questions on how to make life easier, and they used the principles of science to come up with solutions.

Scientists make new discoveries by doing experiments. You can do the same thing by doing a science project for Eskom Expo!

To choose a project topic at Eskom Expo, look around you and find inspiration. Learn more about what interests you, and look for ways to help you answer it. Is there a need you want to fulfil? Find ways at which you can fulfil that need and turn it into an expo project.

The idea and method you use to answer the questions that you have, has to be practical and original. innovation stems from the practicality and originality of your project; what are you doing that’s different from the known? Is what you are doing more cost effective than existing technology? come on over to Eskom expo and share. Remember, DO NOT plagiarise.

See steps below to help you with your Eskom Expo science project (that’s after deciding what you want to work on):

  • Ask a question – this will help guide and direct your research in a particular topic.
  • Draft a research plan and send it to your teacher for approval before starting the project. At this step, you need to have thought of and considered possible.
  • Do background research on the chosen topic to find out what has already been done on that particular topic – this will assist with directing the research question you asked at the beginning. Are you improving on existing knowledge? What is the gap that you are trying to fill?
  • Building from the previous step, state the hypothesis/engineering goals/ investigative question that you are trying to answer.
  • How will you go about testing the hypothesis/evaluate the prototype and redesign if necessary?
  • Draw conclusions based on the results of the testing.

Who can I collaborate with on my project?

You can work on your project with a friend/class mate and enter as a pair, or enter as a solo member. Only one project per learner can be entered into Eskom Expo.

When working on a project, it is advisable to engage with a mentor, someone that is knowledgeable in the field. Mentors will assist you with more information on your project and provide guidance on your project journey. A mentor can be a graduate, teacher, professional or retired professional.

Who else takes part?

Eskom Expo is not only for students, are you an enthusiastic teacher and interested in expo? Get learners from your school to participate at the expo fair, they stand a better chance of winning with you supporting and encouraging them. As a teacher, you can guide learners through the stages of a scientific project and ensure their scientific approach is authentic, be a mentor.

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