Profile: Margo Tamzone Adonis – Empowering the next generation of environmental scientists

Eskom Expo for Young Scientists alumna, Margo Tamzone Adonis, remains a passionate scientist hailing from Cape Town; having already made significant strides in the water sector as a trailblazer in the field of environmental science.

Margo’s love for the outdoors and nature, combined with the influence of inspiring mentors, propelled her towards a career dedicated to water management and environmental protection.

Having taken part in Eskom Expo in school, Margo’s affinity for the environment was evident from a young age. Her love for nature, coupled with the guidance of her Science teacher, Ms Ursula Booys (Eskom Expo in the West Coast Region’s Regional Science Fair Director), set Margo on a path she never anticipated, but embraced wholeheartedly.

“Ms Booys saw my potential before I even recognised it myself. And once I gave in and followed her desire for me, it became my desire, and it’s been a journey of great success ever since,” says Margo.

Over the past 10 years, Margo has been deeply involved in the science community. In 2015, she graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in Environmental Science and has served as an adjudicator for various expos, including the Metro, Cape Wine Lands, West Coast, and Eden District expos. Additionally, she has provided mentorship to regional and district winners, preparing them for the Eskom Expo International Science Fair.

“I have successfully pathed a way for myself and many young passionate women to follow in the water sector through achieving both local, national and international recognition for my contribution to the environmental space,” she says.

Margo’s dedication and contributions have not gone unnoticed. In 2021, she was honoured with the Womandla Woman in Science Award, recognising her outstanding achievements and the impact she has made in her field.

Driven by her deep-rooted love for the environment, Margo founded a non-profit organisation in 2019 – Visions of Change South Africa – which focuses on environmental justice and protection. Through this organisation, she champions the cause of preserving and restoring the natural world, advocating for a sustainable future. Her work extends beyond research and academia, demonstrating her commitment to effecting real change in environmental conservation.

Looking towards the future, Margo believes that platforms like Eskom Expo should continue to prioritise certain areas. She emphasises the importance of mobilising and advocating for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Innovation (STEMI) education, as it forms the foundation for the future. By inspiring and guiding young minds, these platforms can ignite a passion for innovation and drive progress in various fields.

“Eskom Expo should focus on constructive mentorship and workshops for new adjudicators to ensure that the adjudication process is done effectively. More media coverage and exposure is essential for the amazing products which stem from Expo, and further allows for more sponsors and partners to get behind this incredible initiative,” she adds.

Margo stands as a role model and champion for environmental science in South Africa. Her dedication to the water sector, commitment to mentorship, and advocacy for STEMI education are testaments to her unwavering passion for creating a sustainable and thriving world.

With her leadership and exemplary work, Margo continues to inspire and empower the next generation of environmental scientists to make a lasting impact in their fields and protect the natural world we all depend on.

Registration to take part in Eskom Expo will open on 15 January 2024.

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