Remarkable innovation and talent on display at Kalahari Regional Science Fair

Young scientists put their best foot forward, showcasing their remarkable talents and scientific brilliance at this year’s Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Kalahari Regional Science Fair.

A total of 61 budding young scientists from the region presented 48 research projects at the event, which took place at Curro Kathu on 8 August 2024. The projects on display were evaluated by 15 judges, which included educators, specialists, academics, and dedicated Eskom Expo supporters.

This regional science fair was one of 38 regional science fairs planned in all provinces across South Africa. The Social Sciences category proved to be the most popular category, with 15 entries, followed by Biomedical and Medical Sciences (11), Energy (six), Engineering (five) and Environmental Sciences (five).

This year’s participants have been pre-selected after taking part in various Expo activities, including workshops, research and innovations camps, and district expos. During these events, learners received valuable feedback from a team of experts to enhance their research leading up to the regional competitions.

Eskom Expo Executive Director, Parthy Chetty, emphasised the need to nurture young scientists through the Eskom Expo. “Eskom Expo for Young Scientists plays an important role in inspiring young South African learners to engage in STEM activities like the regional science fairs, which expose learners to a spectrum of science-related disciplines. The research done in the build-up to the regional science fairs ignites curiosity and passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. By showcasing real-world solutions and career paths, Expo motivates learners to pursue STEM education and careers, bridging the gap between classroom learning and practical experience. The regional science fairs provide a platform for networking with experts, mentors, and industry leaders, fostering mentorship and collaboration. Additionally, the Eskom Expo promotes diversity in STEM by encouraging participation from underrepresented groups and empowering young women to envision themselves as future innovators and leaders” he said.

The top young scientists were honoured with the prestigious Eskom Special Awards at the region’s awards ceremony. The award recipients, who received Bluetooth wireless speakers with wireless chargers sponsored by Eskom, included:

  • Best female: Jaydene Jonas and Sekao Molema, Grade 10 at Hoërskool Postmasburg
  • Best innovation: Janine Overbeek, Grade 11 at Curro Kathu
  • Best energy project: Lisa Lintveldt, Grade 9 at Hoёrskool Duineveld
  • Best development project: Mahir Siddika, Grade 9 at Hoërskool Postmasburg

The top achievers in each category were presented with Category Awards. These included:

  • Computer Sciences and software development: Mahir Siddika from Hoërskool Postmasburg
  • Environmental Sciences: Janika Nel from Hoёrskool Duineveld
  • Plant Sciences: Janine Overbeek from Curro Kathu
  • Social Sciences: Sekao Molema and Jaydene Jonas from Hoërskool Postmasburg
  • Earth Sciences: Carla Uys and Estelene Maritz from Hoёrskool Duineveld
  • Biomedical and Medical Sciences: Sasha Groenewald and Morgan Christians from Hoёrskool Duineveld
  • Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences: Kgotlayame Theko from Hoërskool Postmasburg
  • Energy: Lisa Lindveldt from Hoёrskool Duineveld

Additionally, a total of seven highly coveted Gold medals were awarded at the awards ceremony, along with 11 Silver medals and 25 Bronze medals.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Eskom Development Foundation (Acting), Ms Mologadi Motshele, said, “The Eskom Expo serves as a platform for learners to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the marvels of science. By igniting a passion for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI), the Expo broadens students’ scientific horizons, and inspires them to pursue careers in these fields. The Eskom Development Foundation remains committed to investment in STEMI through the Eskom Expo, with a particular focus on introducing previously disadvantaged individuals and girls to science and technology. By providing long-term support for the Expo, which stands as the only national initiative of its kind, the Foundation aims to empower young minds and foster a diverse generation of future scientists and engineers.”

For dates and venues of upcoming regional science fairs, click here.

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