Young scientists impress at Eskom Expo Capricorn Regional Science Fair

Young scientists in the Capricorn Region impressed judges with their remarkable talents and scientific brilliance at this year’s Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Regional Science Fair, presenting a diverse array of research projects that addressed real-world challenges and pushed the boundaries of scientific knowledge.

A total of 127 budding young scientists in grades 4 to 12, along with TVET college learners (NC2 to NC4), from the region presented 105 research projects at the event, which took place at Ramahlodi Hall in Polokwane, on 16 August 2024. The projects on display were evaluated by 35 judges, which included educators, specialists, academics, and dedicated Eskom Expo supporters.

Eskom Expo Executive Director, Parthy Chetty said, “Eskom Expo for Young Scientists has made a transformative impact on previously disadvantaged individuals (PDI) in South Africa by breaking barriers and expanding access to STEM subjects. These events provide all learners with exposure to cutting-edge thinking around problem-solving and inspiring role models from diverse backgrounds. By showcasing the practical applications of STEM in solving real-world problems, the Eskom Expo inspires confidence and enthusiasm among learners, motivating them to pursue science education and careers in these fields. Eskom Expo also facilitates networking opportunities with industry professionals and mentors, opening doors to internships, scholarships, and further educational pathways. By promoting inclusivity and representation in STEM, Eskom Expo empowers learners to overcome historical inequalities and contribute meaningfully to South Africa’s socio-economic development through innovation, research, and technological advancement.”

The top young scientists were honoured with the prestigious Eskom Special Awards at the region’s awards ceremony. The award recipients, who received Bluetooth wireless speakers with wireless chargers sponsored by Eskom, included:

Award Learner Grade School
Best female Tshehla Keratile 10 LEAP Science and Maths
Best innovation Tau Lesego 8 Makgwale Secondary School
Best development Ralifeta Mogadi 11 Dendron High School
Best energy Percy Phala 12 Bokamoso High School

A total of nine highly coveted Gold medals were awarded at the awards ceremony, along with 24 Silver medals and 65 Bronze medals.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Eskom Development Foundation (Acting), Ms Mologadi Motshele, said, “The Eskom Expo for Young Scientists strives to inspire young minds to explore their passion in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI). By providing opportunities to develop their passion and enhance their knowledge, Eskom Expo plays a crucial role in shaping future leaders in these fields. We at Eskom congratulate all the young scientists and researchers who participated in this year’s science fairs. Your dedication and innovative spirit are truly commendable. We recognise that growing our economy requires more scientists, innovators, and engineers, and the Eskom Expo is instrumental in achieving this goal. Through your hard work and creativity, you are contributing to a brighter, more prosperous future for all.”

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