Eskom Expo activities during the COVID-19 lockdown

A message from Eskom Expo for Young Scientists Executive Director, Parthy Chetty:

Dear Eskom Expo participants, teachers and volunteers,

We find ourselves in a very difficult time during this 21-day lockdown, whereby normal Expo activities and schooling cannot take place. This does have a knock-on effect whereby we would have lost productive time which you could have used constructively doing Expo project work.

To reduce the negative impact of the lockdown, Expo is being innovative by:

  • Creating many online resources for you;
  • Making Expo staff and some volunteers available to assist the learners across the country;
  • Running online training sessions for teachers and learners by region and province (Follow/Like our Facebook page for new developments);
  • Helping you to get started with some parts of your project that don’t require you to leave your home. By next week, you would be in a position to select your topic, category and sub-category and write up your research plan.

Please refer to the Get Involved page on our website for all the online resources, starting with the Expo project guide book to learn about the rules of Expo. This can also be easily accessed via your cell phone, by switching to the mobile platform. You can also follow us on all social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

We hope you use this lockdown period to good advantage and get started on your Expo project. The regional expos and International Science Fair will continue as scheduled.

There are 2 comments
  1. Brilliant idea

  2. Joseph tlhwaeala

    That’s great news ❤️😀am so excited and looking forward to the competition 🌍🌍

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