Due to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and lockdown, and its effect on the education system currently and the rest of the 2020 academic year, all Eskom Expo regional science expos, as well as the International Science Fair (ISF) have been cancelled.
This decision comes after exhaustive consultation with various entities and has been taken in line with safety measures during lockdown and post lockdown.
Learners are still encouraged to continue with their Eskom Expo research projects which can be used as a school based assessment (SBA) mark.
Online Assessments
Research projects will also be assessed online by Eskom Expo judges, who will award certificates according to marks attained. There is still a possibility that some Special Awards can be awarded to top achievers, and they may be eligible for certain bursaries.
Projects can be submitted throughout the year and online assessments will take place throughout the year. Learners may hand in projects for assessment any time.
The responsibility is on the learner to adhere to the deadlines imposed by their school, should they require this mark for their SBA. More details will be communicated to the learner at the appropriate time.
After the assessment of the project by the panel of judges, the learner will receive the assessment form with the final mark, and this can be handed in to the subject teacher as proof of the assessment. The teacher can use this final mark for the SBA, thus saving the time of assessing each project individually. This is one way in which Eskom Expo can assist schools with the catch up programme when learners return to school.
Further information will be communicated to you via our many social media platforms as well as the provincial coordinators (PC) and regional science fair directors (RSFD).
Please visit our website www.exposcience.co.za for all the latest information regarding the ongoing online assessment process, as well as resources to do your expo project.