A young scientist in the rural area in Qwaqwa, Free State believes that an indigenous game known as ‘Morabaraba’ can assist his fellow learners in mastering the topic of angles
Expo for Young Scientists co-founders lauded at International Science Fair
It was the most prestigious honour for Eskom Expo for Young Scientists to have Expo co-founders, Prof Rosemary Gray and Detlef Basel present at the 39th International Science Fair (ISF).
Young scientists win big at Eskom Expo International Science Fair
The 2019 Eskom Expo International Science Fair (ISF) came to a life-changing conclusion, with a number of upcoming young scientists winning bursaries to further their education, while others won massive
Science boffins awarded at Eskom Expo International Science Fair
Young scientists have been awarded following impressive showcases of innovative scientific and engineering brilliance which aim to, not only solve issues experienced in their communities, but globally, at the Eskom