Research projects by two local young scientists earned Medals of Honour, while ranking in the top 10 among the 45 international learners who presented at the ExpoCiencias Nacional Tabasco 2024
South African young scientists impress judges at Türkiye science fair
Two South African learners from Eskom Expo for Young Scientists International Science Fair were awarded medals after successfully showcasing their research projects at this year’s İzmir International Innovation Science Energy
Explore STEM with STEMulator: A gift to the youth of the nation
The National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) has launched the latest version of STEMulator, a free virtual platform designed to spark interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) among
SA science stars gear up to showcase research at Mexico science expo
Two local young science stars are set to represent South Africa at the ExpoCiencias Nacional 2024 in the city of Villahermosa in Mexico next week. Aman Pati, a Grade 11